Ralph Slaske Makes Some Good Health Points

Health is a tricky and funny subject. Certain people can eat certain things. Some people can’t eat some things. Some people, such as my grandmother, are perfectly healthy while smoking cigarettes all their life while others can pick up the habit for a few months and be destroyed by them. It’s terribly confusing to understand…

Healthy Feet Are Central to a Healthy Body

Our feet are deserving of a lot more credit than we tend to give. We beat on them regularly, cramming them into uncomfortable dress shoes and allowing them to absorb the full impact of our body weight with each and every step. Despite the clear importance of keeping our feet healthy, Dr. Andrew Carver, a…

Beer Health

OK, I have seen everything related to health but beer healthy?  Really.  This study must have been funded by Coors.  The fact that beer can help you heart is a joke.  I guess less drunks die from bad hearts because they die in car wrecks well before they get old enough for heart disease. The…

Healthy Weight Really?

I look at the weight charts based on your height and have to say…really?  Are we all supposed to be that skinny?  I think not.  I have lost one hundred pounds and think I am where I am supposed to be but the weight charts say no.   In fact they say I need to…

Health through Drugs

Are you healthy?  Taking drugs?  Well what exactly is healthy.  If you are healthy should you require drugs to keep you going?  I think not.  If drugs are in your life, what is going on?  Chronic pain? Well this is a very common problem as we age.  A bad back is a common complaint.  The…

Is Dark Chocolate Healthy

Dark Chocolate is good to eat but is it healthy?  Chocolate yum yum I  say in my opinion anything that has chocolate in it has to be healthy for you.  It may not be good for you but what is these days.  How sweet it is to have your chocolate and health too.  So get…

Poor Diet = Poor Health

What poor diet , poor health.  I guess what they say if true but we hate to except knowing that what we eat should be good one way or anther.  Chocolate for one they tell us dark chocolate is good for you but what of the sugar content.  Coffee to much can cause headache but…

Are Pain Killers killing You?

Are pain killers killing you? The root of all evils do you suffer and suffer until your mind cant take it any more people think of ending life because of the pain day in and out.  Pain killers help to loosen the pain in your every day life to make your day in and out…

Diet Sodas and Your Health

Diet sodas and your health.  Studies are showing that the mores soda that you consume are not good for you because of the sugar and dyes.   The schools are starting to go to water drinks in place of soda to help with lowering Diabetes in kids because they are finding that soda can increase the…